Understory | Artists

Carlie Howell

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Carlie Howell is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, and media artist. An inspired poet with a diverse musical vocabulary,  she performs her original songs with her country band Carlie Howell and The DeHarms, the Brazilian-Canadian trio Laranjeiras, and solo under the moniker Rose Quartz. Carlie has composed, arranged and created videos for Baque De BambaOs Tropies, The Afiara String Quartet and the Continuum Contemporary Music Ensemble.  As a bassist, she performs with Culture Reject,  The Queer SongBook Orchestra, and queer icon synth-pioneer Beverly Glenn-Copeland. Carlie has an active studio practice, and facilitates in schools and community organizations. On stage, in the classroom, and in life, she seeks to create physical and emotionally safe spaces where all can learn with ease and thrive creatively.

Carlie lives in Iris, PEI (Epekwitk) and enjoys gardening, birdwatching, and walking in the woods with her partner Tanya and their cat Chicken.


Seeking Congruency : a mental health exposé in three movements (2021) by Carlie Howell (CA)


Brandon Auger


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